Get Involved
The North Miami Foundation is a 501 c(3) charitable corporation and is registered with the State of Florida for charitable solicitation.[1] Because no fees are assessed for services provided, private donations are very important for the continuation and expansion of services. Please consider making a contribution ... and making a diffference!
Checks can be made payable to the North Miami Foundation and mailed to the:
North Miami Foundation
620 NE 127 Street
North Miami, FL 33161

“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.”
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free
Neighbor Helping Neighbor was the initial concept of our founders in 1974. Volunteerism was then, and remains today, a vital program component.
While providing needed assistance to elderly residents, volunteers turn their spare time into meaningful activities. Pairing of home-bound elderly with willing volunteers provides the foundation for new friendships and lasting relationships.
Special volunteer group projects enhance the quality of life for many frail elderly. Handmade birthday cards and holiday gifts are cherished long after they have been received.
If you are interested in volunteering, call Sandi at (305) 893-1450 or download and submit our Volunteer Application by email at
Cash contributions ensure the Foundation’s continued assistance to the frail elderly living in the community. Donations by cash or check may be made directly to the North Miami Foundation at:
North Miami Foundation
620 NE 127 Street
North Miami, FL 33161
There are many ways to give, including:

Memorial Gifts
A memorial gift honoring a relative or friend becomes a living tribute as it enables the agency to continue serving the elders of the community. Each contribution is tax deductible and is acknowledged with an appropriate Memorial Card.
An honorarium is a living tribute commemorating the birthday, anniversary or special holiday of a dear friend or family member. An appropriate letter acknowledging each contribution and the honoree’s special day is promptly sent.
Through a person’s Last Will and Testament, a charitable bequest can be made. Bequests to the North Miami Foundation will help to ensure that quality support services remain available to elders of our community.
[1] The North Miami Foundation is registered with the Florida Division of Agriculture to solicit or accept donations (registration# CH517). Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the State. A copy of our official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free within the State(1-800-435-7352).